On simple projects, opening dialogue with your neighbours by having the correct notices professionally prepared, served and explained can avoid the need for a Party Wall Award.
At £29*, saving substantial time and costs.
Otherwise, we can provide fixed fee Home owner comprehensive Party Wall Awards from £799*.
The following fees are indicative for a small project [rear extension], as Building Owner Surveyor. All fees are subject to a formal fee quote.
Preparation of Notices
The first step is to notify neighbours of the works and their rights under the Party Wall Act. This is a legal obligation and fulfilled by serving notices that allow the neighbour the option of either agreeing for the works to proceed without a full Party Wall Award, or to have an Award drawn up.
In event it is agreed that no Party Wall Award is required, it can still be beneficial to produce a Schedule of Condition.
The Party Wall Award
Having served the notices, where the neighbour, or both parties prefer to have a Party Wall Award drawn up, the Party Wall Act terms this a 'dispute'.
In practice it doesn't necessarily mean a disagreement, just that both parties want to protect their property and rights by recording the nature of the works to avoid future disagreement, litigation and costs. This is done by creating a Party Wall Award.
Acting as 'Agreed Surveyor',
we don't charge extra for this
The Party Wall Act allows the neighbour to the works to either appoint or have their own surveyor paid for by the building owner.
This is where costs can rise significantly. On simple projects, if we can get agreement of the neighbour, we will act for both parties as 'Agreed Surveyor' at no additional cost.
Schedule of Condition
Even where no formal Award is created, it is highly advisable to record the condition of the affected area of the neighbour's property at the outset, thereby protecting both parties interests.
This can also be requested by the adjoining neighbour.
Review of plans to identify required notices.
Legal searches to identify legal 'neighbours' [freeholders, leaseholders, tenants]
Contact with neighbours, completion and serving of the required notices.
Act as Building Owner Surveyor
Drafting and serving of the Party Wall Award.
Providing 'Ten Day Notices' in event neighbour does not respond.
Making required appointments on behalf of the building owner.
Conduct site visit and inspection of neighbouring property affected areas.
Visual and photographic inspection in production of schedule.
Follow up inspection at completion of the works.